Our own production line guarantees the quality of the product, the short delivery time, and the competitive prices we offer to our partners.
The quality of the products is carefully controlled, and our partners are carefully chosen precisely to ensure the highest quality products.
PA / PE bags are produced in our own factory, complying with the technical standards of production for efficient energy consumption and quality and specific weld verification.
At the moment there are over 25 possible standard manufacturing dimensions, and at the customer’s request, atypical dimensions can also be manufactured, in three types: corrugated vacuum, thin smooth and thick smooth bags. The production dimensions can vary between a minimum width of 10 cm, a maximum length of 300 cm and a thickness between 50 and 250 microns. The production capacity reaches up to 10,000 pieces / hour, depending on the required dimensions.
The manufacturing process aims at complying with the assumed quality standards, the compulsory hygiene conditions, and the creation of the final product so as to meet the conditions of transparency, resistance and protection against external agents.
The quality of the product is ensured using the appropriate raw material, from top European producers, in a carefully verified production circuit.
Delivery to the customer is made according to the requirements, respecting the dimensions and the required type, through a fast courier system.